Unfortunately for the Humanists Society of Iowa, the watch party on Saturday has a conflict at the Stine Barn.  So as Monty Python said “Now for something completely different!”



One of our members (Alan Koslow) participates in a Magic group who is presenting their annual magic show for the public this Saturday starting at 6:30 PM at Covenant Presbyterian Church in West Des Moines.  We will be meeting for an evening of fun and camaraderie.  Afterward we can gather together for after show drinks or dessert with discussion of how we think the "Magic" may have been done.

I have been informed by Alan that 7 of the 10 magicians are professionals and this will NOT be like a kids birthday party. 

Alan will be performing with 9 others. There will be "walk around magic" starting at 6:30 pm and the show starts at 7 pm.  Tickets are $5 in advance and $8 at the door (funds benifit the magic club). If you let me know in advance I will reserve a ticket for you and you can pay me later.  Please RSVP to me at treasurer@humanistsocietyofiowa.org and tell me how many tickets to reserve. By the way you may want to read Magic in Humanist Florance during the Renaissance.